Bardwell, Kentucky Weather by Month

Bardwell, Kentucky Weather by Month

Located in Carlisle County, Kentucky, Bardwell is a serene and beautiful town located in the heart of the western part of the state. Situated near the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, Bardwell enjoys a prime location surrounded by fertile farmland and stunning natural landscapes. With a population of approximately 800 residents, Bardwell offers a tight-knit community atmosphere where neighbors know each other by name and come together to celebrate local traditions and events. The town’s history dates back to the 19th century, and its downtown area is dotted with historic buildings and charming storefronts, offering a glimpse into Bardwell’s rich heritage. With its tranquil setting and friendly ambiance, Bardwell is an ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful retreat away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Climate and Weather Overview

Average Climate Conditions

Month Average Temperature (F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 41 3.74 12
February 45 3.50 12
March 54 4.71 13
April 64 4.83 14
May 73 5.07 15
June 82 4.25 15
July 86 4.13 15
August 85 3.60 15
September 78 3.25 14
October 67 2.84 13
November 55 4.54 12
December 45 3.98 11

Weather by Month


January in Bardwell brings chilly temperatures and occasional winter precipitation. Average daytime temperatures hover around 41°F, with cold evenings often dropping below freezing. The month typically sees around 3.74 inches of precipitation, primarily as rain, sleet, or snow. With 12 days of sunshine on average, residents can expect some sunny breaks amidst the winter gloom.

Natural Disasters

January in Kentucky may experience occasional winter storms, including snowfall and freezing rain. Residents should be prepared for hazardous driving conditions and potential power outages during severe weather events.

Recommended Activities

Despite the winter weather, January offers opportunities for outdoor activities in Bardwell. Residents can go hiking or birdwatching in nearby nature preserves, explore local museums or historical sites, or cozy up with a warm drink at a charming café.


February continues the trend of cold temperatures and occasional winter precipitation in Bardwell. Average daytime temperatures rise slightly to around 45°F, with cold evenings still lingering below freezing. The month sees around 3.50 inches of precipitation, primarily as rain, sleet, or snow. With 12 days of sunshine on average, residents can enjoy some breaks from the winter chill.

Natural Disasters

February in Kentucky may experience continued winter storms, including snowfall and freezing rain. Residents should remain cautious when traveling and be prepared for potential disruptions due to winter weather conditions.

Recommended Activities

Despite the cold temperatures, February offers opportunities for indoor and outdoor recreation in Bardwell. Residents can visit local art galleries or theaters, enjoy cozy evenings by the fireplace, or take scenic drives to admire winter landscapes.


March marks the transition from winter to spring in Bardwell, with milder temperatures and the possibility of early spring blooms. Average daytime temperatures rise to around 54°F, with cooler evenings in the 30s. The month sees around 4.71 inches of precipitation, primarily as rain showers. With 13 days of sunshine on average, residents can enjoy longer daylight hours and the promise of warmer days ahead.

Natural Disasters

March in Kentucky may experience occasional spring storms, including rain showers, thunderstorms, and high winds. Residents should remain aware of changing weather conditions and be prepared for potential flooding in low-lying areas.

Recommended Activities

March offers opportunities for outdoor exploration and springtime activities in Bardwell. Residents can go hiking or fishing in local parks, start planting early spring crops in their gardens, or attend seasonal events such as farmers’ markets or community festivals.


April brings warmer temperatures and the return of greenery to Bardwell as spring fully takes hold. Average daytime temperatures rise to around 64°F, with mild evenings in the 40s. The month sees around 4.83 inches of precipitation, primarily as rain showers. With 14 days of sunshine on average, residents can enjoy more opportunities for outdoor activities and leisure.

Natural Disasters

April in Kentucky may experience occasional severe weather, including thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes. Residents should stay informed about weather forecasts and be prepared to take shelter in the event of severe weather warnings.

Recommended Activities

April offers abundant opportunities for outdoor recreation and springtime festivities in Bardwell. Residents can go biking or picnicking in local parks, visit botanical gardens or nature reserves to admire spring blooms, or participate in community clean-up events to celebrate Earth Day.


May brings warmer temperatures and longer days to Bardwell as spring transitions into early summer. Average daytime temperatures rise to around 73°F, with pleasant evenings in the 50s. The month sees around 5.07 inches of precipitation, primarily as afternoon showers and thunderstorms. With 15 days of sunshine on average, residents can enjoy more daylight hours and outdoor adventures.

Natural Disasters

May in Kentucky may experience occasional severe weather, including thunderstorms, lightning, and heavy rainfall. Residents should remain vigilant for changing weather conditions and be prepared for potential flooding in flood-prone areas.

Recommended Activities

Despite the occasional showers, May offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation and community events in Bardwell. Residents can go fishing or boating on nearby lakes and rivers, attend outdoor concerts or festivals, or simply relax and enjoy the warmer weather with family and friends.

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