Climate of Togo

Climate of Togo

Where is the country of Togo located? The Republic of Togo is a country in Africa. Togo is located on the Bay of Benin and borders the countries of Ghana, Burkina Faso and Benin. Togo mainly consists of forested lowlands in the south, the central part of Togo consists of hills and the north of rolling savanna. In the southern coastal area you can find lagoons and swamps, with the associated flora and fauna. Due to its location near the equator, Togo has a typical tropical savanna climate, with slight fluctuations within the country in terms of temperature and precipitation figures.

Tropical heat

There is tropical heat throughout Togo, with the north being slightly warmer than the south. The north has an average maximum temperature of 34 to 37 degrees Celsius in the hottest months (February, March and April). Along the coast, the mercury will then remain at an average of 32 degrees. After the start of the rainy season, the mercury drops slightly throughout Togo. The heat is enhanced by the relatively high relative humidity. This causes the typical clammy weather that is so characteristic of tropical regions.

Rainy seasons

The south of Togo has two rainy seasons. The first rainy season lasts from April to July, the second lasts in the south from September to mid-November. The northern half of Togo has one rainy season, starting in April and continuing into October.


In the period November to March the harmattan can blow in Togo. This dry, dusty wind carries air from the Sahara from the north, which is full of small dust particles. When the harmattan is blowing, you can clearly see it in the sky. Under these conditions, you can take pictures with beautiful color effects caused by the way the sunlight is filtered through the dusty air.

Climate figures

The figures below are based on long-term average climate statistics. The temperatures are displayed in degrees Celsius (°C).

Maximum temperature Minimum temperature Hours of sunshine per day Days of rainfall per month Water temperature
January 31℃ 23℃ 7 2 28℃
February 32℃ 24℃ 7 4 28℃
March 32℃ 24℃ 7 7 29℃
April 32℃ 24℃ 7 9 29℃
May 31℃ 24℃ 7 13 29℃
June 29℃ 23℃ 5 17 28℃
July 28℃ 22℃ 4 12 27℃
August 28℃ 22℃ 5 9 26℃
September 29℃ 22℃ 6 10 26℃
October 30℃ 23℃ 7 11 27℃
November 31℃ 23℃ 8 5 28℃
December 31℃ 23℃ 8 3 28℃

Best time to visit Togo

Do you want to know when is the best time to travel to Togo? You can determine the best time to travel to a destination based on the weather and climate. In addition, there are other factors that are not directly related to the weather and that can influence the best travel periods for a travel destination. Think, for example, of holidays or festive periods, which makes traveling more interesting or not, because daily life comes to a standstill as a result. The African country of Togo is located on the Bay of Benin. The north side is south of the Sahara, so a savanna landscape is visible here. The central part of Togo is hilly and wetter. On the coast it is somewhat drier and the temperatures are somewhat tempered by the influence of the Atlantic Ocean. The tropical climate of Togo is related to the African monsoon, which provides sufficient precipitation within a large area during the monsoon periods.

Best months

The best time to travel to Togo for a holiday is from November to January. This is the beginning of the dry season. In February you notice that it is already getting considerably warmer inland, with maximum temperatures that can shoot far above thirty degrees. In the centrally located Sokodé, the average daytime temperature is around 35 degrees Celsius. On the coast it is still not too bad with the heat. That is why the months of February, March and to a lesser extent April are excellent travel periods.

Beach holiday

If you are going to Togo for a beach holiday, for example in Lomé, there are two periods that are considered the best time to travel. The best travel time for a sun holiday at the beach is from November to early March. This is the dry and warm season. The air temperature during the day is around 30 to 33 degrees Celsius and the sea is pleasantly warm. Think seawater temperatures of 28 to 29 degrees. The wetter season begins in March, peaking in June. The chance of precipitation suddenly drops in mid-July. This marks the start of a short second period of drier weather. From mid-July to mid-September it is great to stay at the beach. The sun is less visible than in the winter months.
